Thursday, April 21, 2011

More Awards =)

 The Rules for the Stylish Blogger award are:
  1. Thank the person who gave this award to me and link back to their blog
  2.  Share 8 things about myself
  3.  Pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered
  4.  Leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition
Thank You Victoria for thinking of me and giving me the Stylish Blogger Award !!!

8 Things about myself:
  1.  I'm a Twilight saga fan...Team Jacob!!! (I have a life size cut out of Jacob in my Scrapbook room and a Jacob blanket in my living room)   
  2. I don't scare easily so I enjoy watching Horror films
  3. I think grocery shopping with coupons is fun (Have you seen that show "Extreme Couponing" on TLC?! lol!)
  4. I love grape and peach flavored anything! 
  5. Every time my indoor dog goes outside to potty I wash her paws when she comes back in. You might think I'm a crazy dog lady for doing this but, it's necessary because my dog has a pollen allergy. Poor thing =(
  6. I can never keep plants alive.
  7. My DVD collection is in alphabetical order.
  8. I have a close relationship with my two older sisters...they are VERY supportive & I love them to death and don't know what I'd do without them.   
My 8 picks are:
  1. Arlene @  
  2. Kiki @
  3. Dee @
  4. Tawny @ 
  5. KaiteO @
  6. Susi @
  7. Mama Hen @
  8. Lori @

A big Thank you and hugs to Karen, Joann, and Lisa for giving me the Leibster Award !!!

 The Liebster Award is designed to bring new blogs to light. It is a great way to share blogs that might not otherwise be seen or ones you may want to share with others.

 As a recipient you must share the love and pay it forward by:
-Creating a post where you blog about the Liebster award & reveal your 3-5 blog picks
-Let them know you chose them
-Copy & paste the blog award on your blog
-Have faith that your followers will rally & show their crafty love back out to those you awarded

Here are my picks and who I think are worthy of this award. Please stop by and show them some love! 
  1. June Houck at
  2. Dorcus at
  3. Joanna at

I'm so honored to have received two more awards from my fellow bloggers again, thank you ladies I greatly appreciate it =) Also, Congratulations to those who I awarded, you guys deserve it! Happy Blogging!!!



  1. Kim, you are so thoughtful! I have never received this particular award. Thank you for thinking of me. Congratulations on BOTH of your blog awards; well-deserved!

    I enjoyed getting to know you a little better. You are my hero: horror film are way too scary for me :)

  2. Thanks for awarding me the Stylish Blogger!! You are AWESOME!! :) Since you like horror movies, are you planning on seeing Scream 4?! I loved the first one back in the day. Lol. I have a BFB award for you on my blog!!
    -Lori Craftin' Blind

  3. say whaaaat?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! =) Gracias...muchas gracias!

  4. Thank you very much Kim for thinking of me for the Stylish Blogger Award. Congrats on your other awards.
